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Safety for Floor, Bathtubs,

and Showers

Our Floor Safety Treatment will reduce the risk of accidents due to slippery surfaces.


What is it and How Does it Work?

Our unique floor treatment (Nano-Grip) is not a coating that can wear off, but a chemical process that creates a tread design on the mineral surface itself without compromising the beauty of your flooring. Our products will not discolor or change the look of your floor, tile, tub or shower and is quick and easy to apply. We will give a two-year warranty on your floors and is guaranteed for the life of your tub or shower.

Who can Benefit?

According to the National Safety Council there are over 9 million disabling slip/fall injuries every year. Fast food outlets, nursing homes, restaurants, office buildings, banks, hospitals, malls, spas, pool decks, garages, country clubs, and public buildings are just some of the facilities that need to have it applied. It is essential in homes with young children or the elderly. People in between tend to think a slip/fall will never happen to them, but the truth is quite contrary. Everyone in the home benefits from the safety of this low cost treatment. Additionally, businesses will qualify for reduced insurance rates and tax benefits as well.



Our safety treatment will make your floor "safer wet than dry".
  • Does your floor meet the minimum OHSA/ADA nonslip standards?
  • Slip-and-falls account for over 300,000 disabling injuries per year in North America?
  • Slip-and-Falls are the number one cause of accidents in Hotels, Restaurants, and Public Buildings; 70% occur on flat and level surfaces?
Slip Testing:

Call us for a free consultation and measurement. Utilizing the same testing process as OSHA, our digital meter will read the static coefficient of friction (SCOF) of your floors. This process will determine if you comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We will bring you into compliance for a very low cost with no change in floor appearance.

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